Yantai is rich in mineral resources, while the amount of exploitation is too much and the consumption rate is high. 烟台市矿产资原丰富,开采量大,资源消耗速度快,合理开发与科学保护是其可持续开发的重要措施。
A comparative tests of uranium bio-leaching was conducted, where with and without the presence of pyrite are studied and comparison made on leaching cycle, acid consumption rate and rate of leaching. 通过柱浸方式,用加入黄铁矿和不加入黄铁矿的铀矿石进行微生物浸铀对比试验,从浸出周期、耗酸率、铀浸出率等方面研究黄铁矿对微生物浸铀的影响。
The results indicated that the average water consumption rate of broadleaf trees was more than conifer trees. 结果表明,针叶树种耗水速率低于阔叶树种。
This paper will take the modified comprehensive coal cost consumption rate based on energy value analysis as target value, and the optimum process will be translated into computer language. 采用“能量价值分析”原理,在传统的综合成本煤耗率中加入对水资源消耗因素的考虑,以此为判据,对循环水系统进行优化研究。
The empirical analysis on psychological causes of low consumption rate in China 我国最终消费率偏低的心理成因实证分析
Based on heat-oxygen balance, some calculation formulae were derived. thereby, vertical eddy coefficient, increase rate of vertically mixing oxygen, net increase rate, total increase rate and consumption rate of oxyen in biochemical processes were solved. 文章根据热量平衡和氧量平衡推导出计算公式,求得粤东上升流区海水的垂直涡动系数,垂直混合氧的增加率,生物化学过程氧的净增率,总增加率和消耗率。
Therefore, the local governments attach more importance to the capital's interests and relatively ignore the laborers'interests, therefore causing high investment rate and low consumption rate. 和以美国为代表的西方国家相比,中国长期以来呈现高投资率和低消费率。
The Research and Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Research-based Learning System Is China's Consumption Rate Explicable by Chenery's Model? 模糊综合评判理论在研究性学习系统中的研究及应用我国消费率合理性的评判标准&钱纳里模型能解释吗?
The low-pressure economizer installed in thermal system of power stations gives a useful option for reducing the coal consumption rate. 在电厂热系统中增设低压省煤器是降低排烟温度节约能源的有效措施之一。
Aeroengine Lubrication Oil Consumption Rate Prediction Based on the Process Support Vector Machine 基于过程支持向量机的航空发动机润滑油消耗率预测
At last, some measures are given from the angle of income and consumption propensity to increase the resident consumption rate in Zhejiang Province. 在此基础上,从提高居民收入及消费倾向两个角度提出了提高浙江省居民消费率的政策切入点。
Our experimental results also prove that the oxygen consumption rate of the coal is in proportional to the oxygen concentration of the ambient air. 试验验证了煤耗氧速度与环境空气中氧浓度成正比;
Power Plant Economic Load Dispatch Based on the Minimum Variable Cost Coal Consumption Rate 基于最小变动成本煤耗率的电厂负荷优化分配
The water consumption is considered in the original comprehensive coal cost consumption rate based on the principles of "energy value analysis". 从包装整个系统出发,分析研究了包装价值的内涵,包括功能价值和外延价值。
Increasing the Consumption Rate under the Concept of Broad Social Welfare 大社会福利概念下对低消费率的认识与解决
In order to analyze the generation rights trade from the prospective of coal consumption, a variable called coal consumption rate is defined. 为了从能耗角度对发电权交易进行分析,提出了煤耗率这一新的交易变量。
Analyzing Causes of Low Consumption Rate of Chinese Residents since Economic Reform 改革开放三十年来中国居民消费率偏低的原因分析
Reflections on the decrease of household consumption rate of China& In the perspective of national income distribution 对我国居民消费率下降原因的深层思考&基于国民收入分配的角度
And with the increase of the installation angle of desilting bore, the water consumption rate will quickly decrease. 而随着偏转角的增加,相应耗水率减小较大。
Application of Comprehensive Water Consumption Rate to Reservoir Operation Optimization of Hydropower Station 水电站综合耗水率参数在水库优化调度中的应用
ADVANTAGE-The drive power generation can be controlled effectively with sufficient precision, and the fuel consumption rate of the hybrid vehicle can be improved reliably. 优点–可以精确而有效地控制驾驶功率的产生,并可靠地改善混合动力汽车的耗油率。
Specific consumption rate of applicable chemicals, catalysts, auxiliary materials and utilities should not exceed world generic consumption rates for similar projects. 适用化学品、催化剂、辅助材料和公用工程的指定消耗率不应超过世界上类似项目的一般消耗率。
Effects of water temperature, salinity, pH, and anaesthetics on oxygen consumption rate of juvenile Siganus canaliculatus 温度、盐度、pH和麻醉剂对长鳍篮子鱼幼鱼耗氧率的影响
Selection Method of Variable of Standard Coal Consumption Rate Model of Thermal Power Generating Units 火电机组标煤耗率模型的变量选择方法
A microprocessor can be used with a balance, weight set, and beaker to provide an economical and accurate measure of engine fuel consumption rate. 微处理机可以与一个天平、砝码和量杯一起使用,以实现对发动机燃料消耗率的经济而精确的测量。
Determination of fuel consumption rate for marine diesel engine GB/T6301-1986船用柴油机燃油消耗率测定方法
The reason: Finland has the highest industrial-energy consumption rate of all five Nordic countries, due largely to its reliance on the fuel-intensive forestry and quarry industries. 原因:在北欧五个国家中,芬兰的工业能源消耗量最高,只要是因为它依赖燃料密集型的森林业和采矿业。
The net coal consumption rate is the critical economical examination indicator for the power plants. 供电煤耗是发电企业经济性考核的重要指标。
The effect of gas desulfurization system on gypsum slurry circulating pump is analyzed in the paper to provide effective optimization methods aiming at lower service power consumption rate. 分析了射阳港发电有限公司二期湿法烟气脱硫系统影响石膏浆液循环泵电耗的因素,提出了有效的石膏浆液循环泵运行优化方法,降低了脱硫系统的厂用电率。
Maturity assessment by oxygen consumption rate in aerobic composting 利用耗氧速率判断好氧堆肥腐熟度的探讨